Installing flash player for Opera browser in Ubuntu/Kubuntu Intrepid 8.10

I installed Opera and I began to love it. However, it can’t detect the flash player which firefox detect. It turns out that it is not in the path. If you visit a page that has flash, it will ask you to install the flash player. After you go to the Adobe site, select “.deb for Ubuntu 8.04+”, and this will run the installer. If it can’t install, you can right click from Opera’s Transfer, and open with GDebi Package Installer. This will install the at

Then go to Opera, click “Tools”->”Preferences”. Go to tab “Advanced” at the top, and choose “Content” on the left menu. Click on “Plugin Options” and click on “Change Path”.

Add the /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin path, and it will detect the new plugin 🙂